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Darren Wingfield

Darren Wingfield

Commercial Manager

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The 7 best ways to develop your tech brand

Posted on 29/11/19  |  3 Minutes
Technology data stream

Having a tech brand that is successful can take some time and effort to get right. Branding is a vital part of building a business and it can be big news. Something as simple as Apple launching headphones without the Beats branding causes column inches and worldwide attention. So, what does that mean for your tech business? Well, it means that developing the brand is vitally important. Here is our guide to the 7 best ways to develop your tech brand –

French Bulldog on a laptop

1 – It is all about the product

Having the most effective branding and marketing will only attract customers for an abbreviated period of time. Once they arrive on your doorstep, you will need to make sure they stay. This is all about the product. The best brands start with quality products that really serve the needs of their customers. Build everything you do around this great solution that will have your customers telling all their friends. That is the sure-fire way to give your brand the legs it needs and drive it forward in the future.

2 – The name matters

There is a lot said and written about company names. The one thing it needs to be above all others is memorable. Having a name that people remember, repeat and share will help you to develop new markets and become recognised in the space. The most valuable brands trade off their name because it speaks their values and beliefs. Think about how the name of your brand (and your products) can do this for you. Don’t be afraid to make a change if necessary – if it is a good enough strategy for eBay then it is good enough for you.

3 – Cut out the jargon 

People in your industry may know exactly what you are talking about, but that doesn’t mean anyone else does. You must speak in a language that your customers understand and can connect with. Anything else is just plain silly. People will be put off by jargon and won’t come back to you again. You lose a customer for life. The way you engage with your potential market has a significant impact on future sales so think about the jargon you use and eliminate it right away.

4 -  Your brand should be a story

Too many branding exercises end up with a result that can look cool but doesn’t have any substance. And we are here to tell you that your customers will see straight through this. All style and no substance is a terrible place to be for a tech brand. The story behind your brand is far more important to people than a pretty logo and a few buzzwords. Think about your story and how you should tell it to get the most from this. Branding with a story is compelling and authentic.

5 – Find a single voice 

Business owner using their laptop on a window ledge

Hand in hand with this is the consistency of your message that you should convey at every turn. People need to know that it is you, whether they encounter you in person, on your website or on social media. Too many businesses have a disjointed voice that does nothing when trying to build a credible brand. Don’t fall into this trap. You need to work out –

  • What you are trying to say
  • Who you are saying it too
  • Where they hang out
  • How you should sound

Once you know this, then you can deliver a consistent message that engages your audience without confusion.

6 – Transparency is key

Don’t think that it will be plain sailing every day that you are trying to develop your tech brand as there will be times when things don’t go quite to plan. If your business makes mistakes, then just hold your hands up and try to fix them. Nobody wants to be associated with a brand that doesn’t admit to mistakes - even less so a brand that won’t put them right. Be transparent with your team and your customers and you’ll work it out together.

7 – Plan and be successful 

Business owner making notes in a cafe

You may be focusing on the local market for now, but what happens if your product goes global? Is it the right brand to support this? Will you need to make changes? Start again? Planning allows you to consider all of these options before they happen. It might be several years down the line but having a good idea what you will do when that time comes can save a lot of heartache. Think ahead and put your brand in a position where it can develop without problems.