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Darren Wingfield

Darren Wingfield

Commercial Manager

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Commuter listening to The Evolving Accountant podcast
Epsiode 46

David Wilkinson - Upgrading you Mindset and Confidence as a Leader

On Thursday 30th April, we recorded the first of Zoominar series during the COVID 19 Lockdown with David Wilkinson, Performance Coach.

It goes without saying that the majority of business owners are facing incredibly challenging times and for many of us it's the uncertainty, or lack of control that is creating more added stress, frustration and self-doubt.

None of us really know what the outcome will be, how long the situation will last or what will happen on the other side of the Coronavirus pandemic...

BUT what we do know is that each and every business owner has a responsibility to take care of their business, their team, themselves and their family to the best of their ability so we can get through this.

A few years ago I was running my business but instead of feeling fulfilled, successful and motivated I felt nothing but stress, anxiety and laden with guilt. Once I started feeling this way everything around me suffered, my health, relationship and business productivity.

During the session, I’m going to share with you:

  • How I got out of this hole
  • 3 insanely simple, yet powerful systems any business owner can use to create unstoppable confidence and motivation
  • How to put an end to anxiety and create a life that is in total balance between work, fitness and personal relationships using my “Core 4 Complex”
  • How to create an actionable way through your biggest business challenge and stress right now. You'll be able to come away from this workshop and know exactly what your next steps will be.
  • Strategies to optimise your mental and physical well-being and WHY this is so vital right now for your energy, mood, productivity and state