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Darren Wingfield

Darren Wingfield

Commercial Manager

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Ian Farrar on The Evolving Accountant Podcast
Episode 50

Ian Farrar - Is your Business Model strong enough?

Now is a great time to step back and revisit your business model so that it is agile enough to meet the changing needs of our customers, team and suppliers.

If you are about to start your business planning or don't have a clue where to start this webinar is ideal for you. 

It is hosted by the awesome Ian Farrar, who will introduce us to the Business Model and Value Proposition Canvas which is a great tool for business owners to use.

Ian will take you on a business journey so that you can learn how other organisations have adapted their strategy due to the change in  market forces.

We will also discuss the change in buying trends and the need to pivot to avoid business failure. The aim is to take you out of your current thought process, look at diverse companies and innovative ways of working so that you deliver remarkable outcomes.