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Darren Wingfield

Darren Wingfield

Commercial Manager

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7 Ways to differentiate your Food & Drink brand

Posted on 03/12/19  |  3 Minutes
Workers on a production line having a conversation

Getting the most from your food and drink brand is a case of standing out in what can often be a crowded marketplace. There are many ways to do this. The idea of cutting costs, prices and margins is a dangerous route as with paper thin margins, there is little in the way of a buffer if you encounter issues or a competitor undercuts you. But don’t worry, there are many other ways of standing out from the crowd. With that in mind, here is our guide to 7 ways to differentiate your food and drink brand for future success –

Selection of meals at a fine dining restaurant

1 – Think about the calorie count

People are starting to watch what they eat with more regularity. The diet industry puts a great deal of store in counting calories to ensure that you control your weight. With this in mind, you should consider whether making sure you have a lower calorie count than your competitors will find you a niche in the market. Back this up with effective marketing to the right target market groups to ensure you get the most from this.

2 – The sugar content is important too

Along with calories, people are becoming more aware of the sugar content and the possible damage to health, Type 2 diabetes is at high levels in the United States and this has become a trend in other developed countries too. People who have the condition need to manage their sugar intake, but there is a much wider market out there of others that want to stay away from the potential of developing it too. If you can make a product that tastes great with a low sugar content, particularly in certain parts of the food and drink market, then you will be on to a winner.

3 – And salt is another on the radar
 Individual taking a picture of their food

The amount of salt in some of our everyday foods is ringing alarm bells in many parts of the media and of course this filters to the general public as well. People with high blood pressure and other conditions of the heart will look for low salt alternatives to their regular foods. If you can provide this for them, then they will come back to you time and time again. If you can manage this while preserving flavour, then you have aa ready-made market out there.

4 – All-natural is best

The number of people who cook everything themselves from scratch at home is growing apace. There is a market out there who want to know exactly what they are putting in their bodies. For some, it is the health benefits while others need to manage their diet because of an illness or condition. If you can provide a food or drink item that is totally natural, then you will find a dedicated market waiting for you. This is important in healthcare, cosmetics as well as your food and drink product.

5 – Environmentally friendliness 

Selection of vegetables and a slate chopping board

We all have a commitment to leave the planet in a better state than when we found it. But that mantra hasn’t been followed for many years now. Producing a food and drink item may take up valuable resources or produce a lot of waste. This doesn’t fit with the label ‘environmentally friendly.’ There are moves from many manufacturers to become more at one with the world they operate in. Making sure you have a policy on this (and following it) will appeal to your potential market.

6 – Your marketing

As part of any product, the way you approach your market has a large part to play in how you can differentiate and become successful. As you begin to plan what you will say and who you will say it to, then you can set yourself apart from all of the others in your particular sector of the market. Marketing is a vital part of building a successful food and drink brand so make sure you get this right. You can incorporate many of the aspects above in your marketing if they apply to your product.

7 – Quality sells

If you can’t differentiate on low price because of the potential to be undercut, then how about differentiating on a high price point because of the quality of your product? A high-quality product will draw people to you who want the finer things in life. And the beauty is that they are willing to pay more for a quality product. This opens up a new market for you and can change the way you operate with new ingredients and processes often part of the higher quality offer.