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Darren Wingfield

Darren Wingfield

Commercial Manager

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Image of Gordon MacPherson
Epsiode 84

Combatting the issues surrounding training management,

In this episode, we're joined by Gordon MacPherson, CEO of Moralbox.

Moralbox was the brain-child of CEO Gordon MacPherson when he was working as a health and safety consultant in the construction and manufacturing sectors.

He discovered that when undertaking audits and accident investigations many organisations struggled to manage training records. It was common for training records to be missing or expired meaning that many of their personnel were carrying out high-risk activities either untrained or with outdated training, leaving them exposed to an increased risk of injury.

Inadequate training management processes also meant organisations were affected by reduced efficiency due to personnel being unskilled and higher training costs due to missing refresher training as personnel needed to attend the full courses again. Gordon wanted to standardise the training management process for organisations to make it simple, more automated and proactive rather than reactive.

Organisations and their workforce should be able to work together to ensure that appropriate training needs are identified and those needs are monitored to eliminate gaps and ensure refresher training is actioned in advance of expiry.