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Darren Wingfield

Darren Wingfield

Commercial Manager

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Image of Andrew Carter, Business Manager at Bdaily
Episode 88

Getting the most out of your content and display advertising

In this episode, we are joined by Andrew Carter, Business Manager of Bdaily

Bdaily are an online publisher of UK regional business news. In addition to timely news, advice and opinion content, they also provide bespoke online advertising and content marketing services to commercial clients.

Unlike other news providers, they operate as a digital technology company first. This means they're able to provide editorial and advertising services without the anchors of a traditional publishing outlet.

During the chat we discuss:

  • What makes content appealing?
  • The types of content Bdaily would share?
  • Getting the attention of the people you want to use your content
  • The value of relationships with the people you want to share your content
  • The role social media has within it