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Darren Wingfield

Darren Wingfield

Commercial Manager

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Image of Earth'd Drinks
Episode 123

Down to Earth, Delicious.

If you’re thinking, not another plant-based company, then you’re exactly right! Earth’d is something truly different and what makes them so truly different is their Foodlosophy. 

This is essentially the belief that food should taste delicious, be nutritious, and not only do no harm, but contribute positively to wellbeing of the planet. Simple, right? So, why isn’t everyone doing it? 

Dr. Adrian Massey. Founder, a food technologist with a PhD in Food science and a 1st Class (Hons) in Food Science & Nutrition and, most proudly, a father. 

When his first child was born at 29-weeks, Adrian received a shock to the system that made him change the way he thought about the  food we eat, the world we live in, and the future we hope for. 

Travelling back-and-forth to NCIU, he subsisted on convenience foods that offered neither the taste nor the basic nutrition he needed to keep his energy and hopes up. He realised that we all need and deserve more, and he knew that with his expertise and experience, he could, in a small way, create a big change that was positive and absolutely necessary.

And that’s how Earth’d started. Just a new dad wanting more – more deliciousness, more nutritiousness, and a healthier, happier world for his family to live and thrive in.

During the chat with Adrian we discussed:

  • Adrian's career and journey to date
  • More on what the brand does and why it was created
  • Biggest challenges of a new FMCG brand
  • Getting British Airways as a first customer
  • Next stages for the business journey
  • Maintaining a strong company culture durng periods of growth