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Darren Wingfield

Darren Wingfield

Commercial Manager

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Episode 58

Looking after your business during uncertain times

In this episode I talk to Andy Jamieson, Director at Peter Hill Credit.

It's not a surprise to anyone that at present, we are living in uncertain times, some business owners have looked to pivot their plan over the past 5 months, some offering additional support and some sticking to doing what they do best.

.With job cuts and company closures in the news consistantly at present, we thought it was a great time to introduce you to debtor insurance, if one of your large customers closed the doors for the final time and owed you for goods or services that you/your company provided, you might never see that money again to no fault of your own.

During the interview, we discussed:

  • What gets Andy up in the morning and his journey to date.
  • What Debtor insurance is and succesful examples
  • The Tsunami around the corner for the 'underwriters'