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Darren Wingfield

Darren Wingfield

Commercial Manager

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Episode 54

Pete Wilkinson - The World Famous 1-3-5 Action Plan

Right now Chief Executives and their senior teams are facing more and more distractions. Because of this it is even more vital to identify the most rewarding and profitable things to focus on. Plus developing a simple system to enable senior professionals to remain consistent is critical.

Many business owners don’t use their full business plan on a daily basis. Most business owners and their senior teams have far too many “busy days” and not enough “effective days.” Most business owners know deep down that remaining focused on key business objectives is a challenge and finishing the week without feeling fulfilled is far too common.

When professional people feel frustrated because they know that they are not working at their potential it can be damaging to their business and their senior management team. A major challenge for people is make the most of themselves.

A great way to achieve this challenge is to develop a personal 1-3-5 action plan that identifies the actions that need to be taken on a consistent basis to achieve the desired result.