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Darren Wingfield

Darren Wingfield

Commercial Manager

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Image of Hunter & Gather Products
Episode 95

A healthy life starts with real food

In this episode, we chat to Jeff Webster and Amy Moring, Co-Founders of Hunter & Gather.

Jeff and Amy are a British Couple, that are on a mission to improve our health! With rates of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and depression on the up year after year, it’s time for us to provide you with the tools that you need to thrive.

As a lifelong coeliac Amy has always looked at the back of foods for their ingredients and over the years, She was shocked by the number of added sugars, chemical preservatives, and ingredients she couldn’t recognise which are increasingly being added to our foods.

Jeff suffered with acne, asthma and IBS as a teen and eating a conventional diet of high sugar and carbs just was not working. A chance encounter with a medical professional showed me a new path of eating an ancestrally inspired real food diet free from refined sugar, grains and inflammatory oils.

Jeff's health improved drastically, and they knew from then that they had to share this message far and wide to help others too. 

They knew that eating a real food lifestyle free from refined sugars, grains and poor-quality fats (like seed and vegetable oil) is the foundation for improving our health. Yet following this new lifestyle wasn’t easy due to the lack of preprepared products we could trust.

So, that’s why they started Hunter & Gather – to create a range of healthy kitchen staples, condiments and supplements all free from refined sugar, grains, and inflammatory seed/veg oils. Making choosing healthier options, easier for you and from a brand that you can trust to source the highest quality ingredients, with your health our number one priority.

During the interview, we chat to Jeff and Amy about:

  • Their drive and career to date 
  • All about Hunter & Gather
  • Personality traits for someone who would need to work and be a success in the FMCG sector
  • Top tips from an entreprenuer
  • Inbox Zero, Grouding, Time blocking and Blinkist
  • Focussing on D2C
  • Exciting times of the crowdfunding option - currently at pre registration stage
  • Recommended reading and mindset