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Darren Wingfield

Darren Wingfield

Commercial Manager

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Image of ViDrate packets
Episode 93

Enhance your hydration


In this episode, we chat to Nick Hird, Co Founder of ViDrate

30,000 people surveyed and less than 1% drink 8 glasses of water per day!!

Co- founders Rob & Nick, along with the ViDrate team are passionate about healthy living and a healthy environment. ViDrate has been created to help you drink more water.

The customers of ViDrate have become more and more conscious of sugars and artificial sweeteners in their drinks, we feel it is our responsibility to support them in this lifestyle change they are trying to achieve. There is still a long way to go in helping people to consume the best form of enhanced hydration. This lifestyle change for all age groups is the mission of ViDrate.

As a collective, we are on the verge of a plastic revolution and ViDrate is pioneering this movement in the world of drinks. Though ViDrate are only using the tiniest of plastic (0.4g) in their packagin, soon they aim to offen an even greater, environmentally friendly product.

During the interview, we chat to Nick about:

  • His drive and career to date 
  • What ViDrate does
  • Personality traits for someone who would need to work and be a success in the FMCG sector
  • Productivity hack for entrepreneurs
  • Setting up your week up with 3 big wins
  • Being more than a product
  • Recommended reading and mindset